Hiding In Plain Sight

It’s the season to curl up with a good book and a steaming hot mug of pumpkin spice what-have-you. If this sounds like you or someone you know, then you’re probably also picturing a messy updo and a pair of sweatpants and oversized top covering. Thanks to the ever present wave of athleisure that continues to wash over our collective culture, there’s no shortage of comfy clothes available in the market.

Comfortably clad in our cotton pullovers, large enough for two, what is it we are trying to accomplish? Or better yet, what is it we are not trying to do? The art of camouflage manifests itself in many ways, but currently it would seem that the best way to go unseen is to throw on some torn jeans and a billowing top that seems to want to lie anywhere but on both shoulders. Sound familiar? Seen it around? Perhaps by even looking down?

Here we are, out in public, but hiding in plain sight. A group of sweater-loving athleisurites, sipping our lattes and skim reading articles on Norma Kamali’s new skincare line (on the real, I’m actually very excited to think about considering a purchase). We are a collective of cashmere comfies. A super group of knee high sock lovers, and sometimes we even wear them outside the house, with just a sliver of them peeking out above our boot shafts. This is the season for comfort, but could someone please let the weather system know? Cause I’m tired of sweating, and I’m not even wearing a sweatshirt—not yet.

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