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Welcome back

Welcome back, RenFluencers.  It’s been a minute.  How are we?  Good, good, let’s get into it…

Many of us feel that this pandemic has stolen at least a year from our lives, but that time that was taken has also given us some things.  We have had ample time to go through our closets for one. We have also had the time to sit with ourselves and reconsider whether or not what we’ve been doing or wearing really works for us.  Many of us will not return to the workforce with a hankering for business casual.  Why choose a pant suit when drawstring trousers are now available in abundance?  The inner conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the athleisure boom of the early 2010’s was just preparing us for what was to come...

Will the statement of the summer season having us burning our sweatpants?  Although sweats are arguably the least oppressive garment (whose casual attitude is exemplified by the fact that they often choose to live on the floor as opposed to the confines of the closet), their utility is now linked to memories of that saddening time that found us shut inside out homes for an entire calendar year.  

Realistically, it may boil down to sizing issues or just a newfound personal predilection for comfort, whatever the circumstance, I sense there will be a universal shedding of our old uniforms.  Some will opt for the ostentatious while others will crawl back into the comfort that only freshly laundered sweat pants can deliver.  Though, we seem to be reluctant to fall into either category outright.  When deciding on a new outfit I often hear people say, “I love it, but where am I going? Trader Joe’s?”  Well, if you’ve ever found yourself, cart-less, gown-clad in heels, balancing a bottle of wine and an armload of waters, the answer is “Yes.”  

So, question the life you had pre-pandemic and prepare a plan for the future from there.  If you can’t see far enough through the fog to the days of parties and dinners out, then it’s time to look inward for clarity.  When you know what you don’t want it’s easier to reach for what we do want.

I tried on a beautiful pair of designer boots, handcrafted by Satan no less.  Holy calf cramps, Batman!  My hoof was literally unable to arch at the correct angle to actually make walking a feasible effort.  Alas, I had to try, and so should you.